Okay I don't know if this is good or bad but it has come to my attention that more then less of the game of the week in the past month or so are fixel. I know people are saying its simpler to make yet just as much fun, yet I for some reason find it... dare I say treason? Perhaps thats an over statement but I'm having trouble grasping the fact that we are moving back rather then forward in the looks. I am aware that E.O.N was a beautiful game with great physics. I have nothing against Fixel but I just thought I would raise this, how should I put this, observation.
Let me know if you noticed this and tell me your thoughts on the subject. I'm very interested in what people think of this Fixel "wave". Do you think it is the next big thing or just a fad?
You *do* realize that "flixel" is an open source engine for Flash right? There are tons of games that use open source engines, you just don't notice it.
All those physics games you see? They're made with one single engine, Box2d. The developers didn't actually code any of the physics themselves.
I have noticed them around but lately I noticed much more of them, as well as they are being reconized more.